Chains of Strength

We have begun our social and interpersonal training with some of our students. This is a big domain that involves many component skills and self-awareness. We will build on these lessons throughout the weeks to come.
We will learn how to be mindful of our actions and words. We will learn about our feelings and emotions. We will learn about what it means to think about others (perspective thinking) and how our behaviours can change someone’s thoughts and reactions.


One of the first activities we do is creating a chain of personal, social, home and academic strengths. Chains of Strength allow therapists and students to begin discussions around thoughts and feelings about self. Connecting with our students, taking time to recognize strengths and affirm uniqueness should be a primary goal of any program. Often our students lose sight of who they are and what they can offer, their gifts and strengths are buried. Providing an opportunity for students to think about strengths creates a positive foundation for moving forward.

The learning activities are challenging but well worth the time, effort and investment.

Victoria Bevilacqua