Dr Laura introduces group to “FT” & Kay Goodnough as FERN Parent Liaison -Kay speaks about shared experiences & FERN as a home.
Kay’s daughter speaks about her experiences at FERN and support she gets
Dr Laura asks group to put ideas on post it notes: Self – regulation, child programs, social opportunities, parent resources, high schools, dealing with school administration, assistance interpreting IEP and reports
Problems with first email sent to group- suggestion to split large email group into small
question raised by Dr Laura as to why families come to FERN chats- conversation around learning opportunities and building social circles. Group indicates that this is difficult at school or if you are new to an area
comments around CCAC- some families have no idea about funds available and some schools do not let families know about it
conversation about what to do when kids just say “no” (non-compliance), “screaming matches between parents and child”
discussion around value of homework
question about need for children to experience success in the case of a ‘shut down learner’- Dr Laura talks about parents being a ‘behaviour detective’- look for stressors in # of domains
other issues arise in discussion
lack of programs for parents and children – group discuss Richmond Hill Scouts- 8th troop
Long term implications of psych reports, difficult jargon of reports
Ongoing “FT”- suggestion that opportunity for social after discussion -verbal consent given by group to share ideas and discussions to email community