Family Talks November 2016
We had a lively discussion this month. Thank you for everyone who came out to join us. Special thanks to educator Rose Diamante who was a wealth of knowledge and understanding.
Minutes of the meeting are below:
THURSDAY NOV. 10TH, 2016 @ 7:00pm
Welcome to group and introduction of special guest Rose Diamante past Special Education Assessment & Programming Teacher @ TCDSB.
Handout of major issues in Spec.Ed.
IEP not being followed? Rose says parents need to advocate-ask for school meeting. Speaks about log that is record of meeting on IEP.
Discussion of teacher asking child to advocate for themselves. Group discusses difficulty of this.
Discussion of core teachers and how each school decides to use them- address organizational skills with child or work with modified curriculum.
Question from group: How do we know are kids are getting everything that they can possibly be entitled to? Rose comments that parent must ask for meetings at school level for IEP, team meeting (around a physc assessment) and ask when is next Board level meeting.
Some parents indicate that they have not been invited to IPRC meetings (only signed form)
Question about technology requests-SEA Claims (Special Equipment Amounts). Rose discussed her wealth of experience in supporting these claims. Indicates that a CCAS-OT can recommend resources for the child; along with other professional practioners/clinicians.
Question re denial of service because child’s disability not severe enough. How do we respond to this? Ask for a date to meet again and revisit appropriateness for a program. Rose comments that Board may be looking for a certain profile that your child does not possess.
Discussion of ‘Accomodations’ & ‘Modifications’. IEP not required for accommodations for child. Every student in Ontario is entitled to this to achieve their potential. If accommodations not being met at school because of loss of support then ask for another strategy and change on IEP. Laura recommends to ask school for ‘alternative program’ and scaffolding of self-advocacy skills (as students need to learn these skills long-term)
Some discussion about how does modification affect grades. It is a Ministry of Ontario standard to write on report card that marks reflect this child has had a modified curriculum.
Discussion of SEAC; Special Education Advisory Committee- look them up on your board website; find your representative. Monthly meetings that parents should be aware of and read minutes of meetings to increase awareness; upcoming events, changes, resources.
Meeting ends @ 9:00pm