General Training for Direct Instruction
As discussed at our Community Discussion Night we are organizing an evening for Fill The Gap General Training for Direct Instruction (DI) . We are having an introductory session on Thursday March 26th from 6:30-8:00pm.
Parents interested in learning more about DI, the specific curriculum (scope and sequence) and general methods should try to attend this session.
COST: FERN MEMBERS $ 25.00/session
NON MEMBERS $ 35.00/session
If you would like to attend the event and you are not sure if you are a FERN member, just ask us!
Individual booster sessions will be required for those parents interested in teaching the curriculum at home (specific issues and curriculum will be reviewed with regard to your child). Booster sessions will be scheduled after the introductory session on Feb 6th (parents will be able to take a child session, to work directly with their child and/or book an extra session). FERN will be able to order additional curriculum for home and will take approximately 2 weeks for delivery.
If you are unable to make this session please email your interest and we will schedule private sessions with either Linda Hurren or Dr Laura.
Hope to hear from you soon.